Disco Alphabet - C is for Could It Be Magic

Sep 06, 2010 03:23

Claudja Barry - Love For The Sake Of Love

Should have been in a De Palma movie. Way to miss out, De Palma!

Cyclades - Fire To Desire
You know, I'm all for getting over "categories" and judging people based on something more interesting than whatever might be in their fucking iPods at any given moment. So I try to avoid using or thinking in terms like "indie" or "hipster" or whatever when actually communicating wih people. HOWWWWWever, the other night, I danced at a small bar that had ironic posters of a 70s german football star all over their wall and straight dudes with greasy hair, floppy beards, slogany t-shirts and indie-hipstery-way-too-tight-butted jeans singing "SOOOOOOOOOOO SAAAAALLY CAN WAAAAAAAIT" like a bunch of clowns and that shit was terrifying. And I did it because of a stupid crush on a cute, indie-loving girl because I'm a stupid butthead dumbass. Drank a dozen cocktails in succession and vomited and drank some more because man, unrequited (un-hardly-even-pronounced) crushes sure do hurt some. Now, instead of all that, what I should have done was hit the douchebag, 40-something creepy old man DJ over the head with one of those framed fucking ironic football posters for telling me he "only had Madonna but didn't wanna play that" when I finally gave up and asked him what his ass would play if all this wasn't happening and we were in a better place where Ilya didn't have to be quite as off his knob on Cuba Libres to survive. What I should have done is that and then freeze time and somehow teleport this slab of funky disco excellence into the booth and put it on fucking perma-loop and stun all those people inside the club into sudden awesomeness. Shoulda, coulda, woulda, yo.
Cyclades have no awesome pictures so here's a picture of the man who made all subsequent "fire" to "desire" rhymes forever and always obsolete:

Speaking Of LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE, here's two more tracks about that: one's a cover, other's not, both are pretty fucking oooooooonorhymingnorhymingoooooooohhhhh sweet!

Chilly - For Your Love
Chemise - She Can't Love Ya

And for the final stroke of awesomeness, two all-time classics:

Cloud One - Atmosphere Strut

Candido - Thousand Finger Man

Enjoy, y'all!

disco alphabet, c

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