Title: The Compass Rose: Chapter Six
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Ed, Riza/Miles, Havoc/Rebecca, Al, Winry, Team Mustang, Ling, Ran Fan, and more
Rating: R for swears, violence and horror at about the same level as in the manga itself. Mistreatment of a child.
Word Count: 8960
Summary: An infant Homunculus under the command of an idiot ruler: this can'
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Yayz for corrections! :D *double checks links* ... hmm. Apparently LJ is still being a bastard. Link for chapter 3 is still bad. :/ Curse you LJ!
That codemess aside, awesome chapter! :D I was willing Ed so hard to dig deep and find the courage and strength to get out of the avalanche! whew! Roy to the rescue = swoon! ^_^
"You moped? There was moping?" "So I'm told. I'm informed by an unfailingly reliable source that there was moping, mooning, occasional woolgathering. There may have been a little bit of obsessing."
hehe! <333 Loved this bit so much! :D
The art! *dreamy sighs, ogles it some more* ... Wait a minute. What was I saying again? ^_~
Other lines of win!
he sees Roy standing there, right in front of it, doing that dumbass pose he does when he's trying to look badass but all casual with it, like he's so cool [he] hasn't even noticed how cool he is. That posture: feet planted, hands in his trouser pockets, coat tails pushed back to swing dramatically behind ( ... )
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