Fic: Wrong Turn, Chapter Three of Three

Aug 02, 2009 17:50

Last chapter of my fma_ihop kinkmeme fic for sara_rojo. First chapter is here, second chapter is here. I had a ludicrous amount of fun writing this, so thanks for the prompt, Sara! I've ended up having so much fun with these versions of the characters that I'm very tempted to get to work on a sequel - in which of course I'd be honour bound to resolve some of this ( Read more... )

[fic series] wrong turn 'verse, [fanworks] fic, [fandom] fullmetal alchemist, [pairing] roy/ed, [odd tag out] just freaking kiss already, [chapterfic] wrong turn

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sara_rojo October 5 2009, 18:52:16 UTC
I had forgot about that conversation, you're absolutely right. I mean, parallels between the two are drawn many times, but I didn't remember some of the cast adressed them. They respect, possibly admire, and definitely trust each other. Their relationship is pretty complicated, I think. All these layers you're talking about go from all kind of close family members (Roy being somewhat of a father figure at the beginning, brotherly because Roy teases him like older brothers do, a case could even be made for motherly RoyXD), and "friends" (in the sense that they regard each other as equals toward the end), and there's subtle canon UST too, not to mention superior/subordinate officer dynamic. Like you said, whatever the case, they connect

I think you did well writing or hinting at a past romantic history between Riza and Roy, same as EdWin. Probably for much of the same reasons, boy and girl friends since childhood and both hot and feeling a connection and mutual interest. But Riza and Roy's feeligns are obviously more intense and mature, because they've lived together the events that have impacted on them the most and shaped them, and they're adults. It's great that, after A Modest Proposal, they kinda pursued something even if it fell apart at some point (plan to tell that at some point?XD).
So they have sexual tension but also a deep trust and feel comfortable with one another. Have they perfectly sorted out their feelings for one another, or are they in the same confusing emotional limbo as Ed and Winry? XD

Also, I noticed you mentioned Al's noticed something alright (though I didn't get if he noticed the UST or just the canonical conection we were talking about), but you didn't mention Riza
You teaseXD


bob_fish October 5 2009, 22:50:30 UTC
Roy and Ed: yeah, exactly. I'm interested in the canon UST you see - I more see the potential to creatively read it that way, because their dynamic is so awesome and complex and fun to write - but I'm intrigued about where you see the canon evidence as your readings of FMA are always so perceptive and thought-provoking. Tell me more!

Riza and Roy: yeah, I imagined that they'd sorted out their relationship a while ago and by this point it had mellowed into friendship. After all, Ed and Winry are very young and have just split up. Roy and Riza wouldn't be in the same messy, confusing place now - maybe ten years ago, but not now. Oddly enough, I saw the fact that they're on first name terms in NSI as part and parcel of the fact that they've acknowledged each other more openly as friends and relaxed around each other a little. I saw their 'bargain' as quite a complicating factor and imagine the events of the Promised Day as clearing the air rather. Of course, I think Arakawa is going to make them closer in the aftermath in quite a different way. I'm sure she's too subtle and dark to give them a big old snog at the end, but I would love it no matter how cheesy it is.


sara_rojo October 6 2009, 11:36:49 UTC
I suppose that's the reason why they're the most popular pairing, outside of het canon (and even topping some, like LingRan Fan or MeiAl; in fact, only EdWin and Royai beat it, I think)
Well, i don't have my damned FMA manga here (and how do I miss it T.T); I'll be back home for Christmas, and I'll try to remember this; I love talking about RoyEd, so I'll be looking forward to it ^.^ (I don't wanna discuss it now, seeing as I re-read the manga half a year ago and I don't remember everything)

Oddly, I didn't notice the first name basis in NSI, because I actually imagine they ARE alreayd on first name basis during the series, just not when there are other people around or they are in the office and into their professional roles; which covers every single time we see them in the manga together, and could explain why they aren't
But now that you mention it, I think Arakawa is purposefully coy about this, since she shied away of revealing what Roy called her before she entered the military (I'm specially thinking about that grave scene)
I HOPE she gives us a couple of good snogs at the end; EdWin UST demands it. I'm not so sure about Royai either, though, she seems to think adults are more private about this sort of thing. I'm holding my breath for a MeiAl hug or even kiss, as they're my favourite het pairing in the series (apart from DanteEd, my evil secret pleasure). The cheesier, the betterXD


bob_fish October 6 2009, 15:58:27 UTC
Weeeelll, if you get really tempted, fan translations of the whole FMA manga are around at and They are unofficial, though, so you may prefer to wait until you've got your hands on the official copy.

What Roy and Riza call each other in private: this comes up a couple of times in the manga, as I recall - I checked my nerdy facts for NSI and A Modest Proposal. He calls her by her first name just after her father drops dead in Ch. 58, scan here. She calls him 'Mr Mustang' by the graveside. And the issue actually comes up much later, in Ch. 94. Scan here, although I'll leave the details in case you haven't read it yet.

I think you're right that Arakawa deliberately doesn't ever show them in private, to keep up the tension and suspense. And that she'll probably go for something subtler than a big old snog if they both make it out alive. *sigh* Ed and Win had better get a big snog, though, dammit.


sara_rojo October 6 2009, 23:43:18 UTC
I might use those unofficial trans, since my first FMA manga experience was with them. For the moment, I'm much too busy with college ^^U

I didn't remember the "Mr. Mustang", but the "Riza" I can't take at face value since, you know, her father just dropped dead (and is that even Mustang? Couldn't it be her father?). The Envy scene was incredibly awesome, but I can't accept it either, because she was trying to trick him into revealing himself. she wasn't necessarily "just joking", but more like "you fell for it, you fool"

Ed and Win are oozing with so much UST there's gotta be an outlet at some point. Why are japanese so prudish about kisses? Ed almost saw her naked in her bedroom, for God's sake


bob_fish October 7 2009, 06:13:10 UTC
That's OK - no pressure, just totally looking forward to hearing your analysis.

Yeah, there's lots of wiggle room on Roy and Riza, even on the first name front. I think this is completely intentional on Arakawa's part, she wants us to wonder like hell what's up.

Yeah, Ed's seen the bottom of a boob, no less. And the expression on his face was awesome and priceless, I love that scene so much. And the scene where he recites the periodic table to distract himself when Win's examining him, HEE HEE. I totally want to write the Wrong Turn 'verse version of how they got together post-Promised Day, it is on my to do list.


sara_rojo October 7 2009, 20:26:40 UTC
That first name basis thingy has always baffled me. Japanese are so weirdXD. Are they as polite in the Internet as they ar ein RL?

I also ♥ that scene! Everybody's talking about Ed's physical grown in the manga, but Winry's grown into a really hot girl (I first noticed when she took a bath at Roze's), and she's absolutely smokin' in that scene, getting undressed; I have a weak spot for blondesXD.
Always amused me that Ed was there to see anyone getting near the house, so he must've seen them come up, but he didn't call out, make his presence known, or say anything when she entered the roomXD
The periodic table!! I've seen this pop up ocasionally in FMA fic, usually by Ed and sometimes by Roy. I love itXD

I totally want to write the Wrong Turn 'verse version of how they got together post-Promised Day, it is on my to do list.

And I totally want to read it ^:^


bob_fish October 7 2009, 20:34:43 UTC
Rose totally fancies Winry in that scene! Yeah, Winry has blossomed, ahem.

That point about Ed: you're so right! Ho ho, I didn't know he had it in him to be so sneaky.


sara_rojo October 7 2009, 20:48:53 UTC
Only Roze fancies Winry in that scene because only Roze was around. I'm pretty sure ANYONE would've fancied Winry in that scene. I know I didXD

About Ed, he's a genius but he's also a teen. Ergo, thinks about sex, statistically, 80% of the time (I'm lowering it a bit for him, since he's so...focused). Probably explains the chemistry with everyone/thing, tooXD
Another thing I love in that scene is that, when we had been given hints for some time, it's the first time that's truly confirmed that Ed's is growing up and is currently taller than Win. For sure, I bet ^^


bob_fish October 7 2009, 21:23:05 UTC
Ah, the "Ed is taller than Win" panel. Love it, love it. And they both look so grown-up and hot in it - they've both, ahem, filled out. Ed in that panel was one of the major inspirations for Roy's "wait a minute, when did he get hot" in Ch. 1 of Wrong Turn.


sara_rojo October 7 2009, 22:02:26 UTC
Yeah, they look totally hot, no matter how much I love the plot, I was totally "snog, damnit" there. Ed's naked arms (if I remember correctly; if not, it's my fangirl brainXD) don't help, eitherXD

Oh, that was my favourite scene in Wrong Turn, so glad to know! Was that the moment you noticed Ed was hot, too? I've been in love with him since I watched the first anime, like 3 years ago; I think the having a shower in the Rockbell backyard and the 5th laboratory did it for me, and then the dyeing hair and the Mustang good-bye, and the suicidal angel. And the movie, godamned, Ed's the most beautiful character, girls and boys acounted for
And then, the manga. Whenever he's hurt, I'm, like, totally turned on (I must be sick or somethingXD). Whenever he's shirtless, so, quite a lot of the timeXD. In Xerxes ruins. And god, that chapter when he returns to the game after being badly hurt by Kimblee

I'll stop nowXD, I get too excited about him. I'm like enemy, only with Ed xDDDDDD


bob_fish October 8 2009, 16:39:51 UTC
He is particularly hot in that pic - and what's cool about it is how it highlights how Arakawa's drawing of him has changed as he's grown up. He's ridiculously pretty in Shamballa, no wonder the world and his wife want him in that movie.


sara_rojo October 9 2009, 20:40:49 UTC
Yeah, Ed's drawing evolution is fantastic. Of course, he's the main character, and Arakawa pays particular attention to him, but it's truly a very good piece of artist work. I think the first time I noticed was when he was 'kidnapped' by Armstrong and taken to Xerxes ruins.

And god, that movie. Don't mention that movie to my Ed-obssesed brain, it shortcircuits. He's fucking gorgeous (except in the promotional poster, which is weirdXD. Actually, that whole poster is kinda weird, what with everyone but Eckhart looking not-so-goodXD). At times, too pretty, looking better than the girls around himXD (look at this particular image and tell me if he doesn't look way more beautiful than Winry; in a feminine wayXD)
I'm of the opinion than the first anime/movie staff were completely head-over-heels in love with Ed, and I can't exactly blame themXD (even if it got kind of annoying at times when there seemed to be no other character on the show).
Arakawa's Ed is manlier, and she seems to be trying to balance the huge fandom love for the character with some well-placed and necessary teasing and mocking of himXD. Oh, and he's punk-goth, which totally tops "nicely dressed Edward" from the movie, no matter how incredibly gorgeous he isXD


bob_fish October 10 2009, 20:02:52 UTC
Yeah on the image. Pretty Ed is pretty. Poor Movie!Winry, she's not getting any of that. I haven't really addressed punk-goth Ed in my NSI pics so far - he's been more towards the 'nicely dressed', but I should definitely address his Gothy leanings because they're so cool and funny ("what's wrong with this car/mask/coat/railing I made? It looks badass!"). You just know he transmuted carved skulls onto his bedposts.


sara_rojo October 10 2009, 22:36:32 UTC
I can console Winry: NOBODY is getting any of that. Except possibly Al. Movie staff were closet Elricest shippers, clearlyXD

I figured your Ed was, so far, nicely dressed, because we've seen him hanging out in a nice bar and at work, but never going out to clubs, casual bars or at home. Hey! Deliver some of gothpunk!Ed to me, please. Even if it's just his bedposts, which are totally carved with skulls, possible hornedXD
I also love how quietly horrified everyone is about his tasteXD (though I believe Roy and others would have a more favorable opinion if they were to see him dressed up in suggestive goth-punk clothesXD)
I wonder if his taste carries over to music? Al is totally jazz and blues and tasteful, adult music, but Ed is totally punkrock and electrogoth, and even some rap, I can seeXD


bob_fish October 10 2009, 22:52:01 UTC
Do you know, I was thinking about Ed's taste in music not half an hour ago! Spooky fandom telepathy strikes again (or maybe we were both just thinking of my Al jazz fic_contest entry).

I think modern Ed would definitely like him some punk and electrogoth - but I think Amestris is pre-electric guitar, definitely in the Wrong Turn 'verse, anyway. (and yeah, In the Kingdom of the Shadows is totally Wrong Turn 'verse, as if you couldn't tell) Some early jazz and blues is quite raw and unfinished and edgy and tough, with rude lyrics too (Robert Johnson and Fats Waller spring to mind), so I thought maybe Ed might be into that?


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