Title: By the Sounding Sea
Characters: Ling/Ed
Rating: G for really quite worksafe
Medium: Drawing tablet and Photoshop. Experimenting with some new (to me) digital painting techniques.
Notes: Illustration/cover image for
Nothing Gold. It's one of my favourite fics of all time: a long story with a long reach about Ling and Ed and their lives
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Comments 41
I apologize for the incoherentness of this. I tried to actually write the specifics of what I like, but I love it too much to do that. :| I don't get it either.
Well, your fic made me very incoherent, in a good way. I just tried about twice to finally write you a proper review and failed!
Would it be okay for me to pimp to the comms with that summary. I'd snip out the really fulsome praise from the summary to spare your blushes because I'm British like that, and say "check out the fic". I laid off the spoilers/warnings because your summary seemed pretty comprehensive that way.
Seriously, I'm so so glad you liked this. Thank you for writing that fic! It's stayed with me.
For the record, I showed off this picture at work, and everyone who saw it liked it. :B I couldn't print it because the printer was down today, but next time! ::shakes fist::
Yay colleagues liking the pic. :3
Thanks! This scene was not at all cheesy in the fic, but it's really difficult to do sunsets without them coming out as cheese on a stick! It's especially difficult with Ling trying his best to pose and look dashing. He's difficult like that. XD
BTW, is the timeframe on the userinfo for fireandice2011 correct for this year? I'm a bit confused because it mentions August, and I thought you mentioned something about the timeframe not being fixed yet in your LJ? Or I could just be confused, that happens.
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