The prompt drabbles went fast! I feel all productive. Even more so because I managed to cleverly shunt all these into separate posts dated out of order so as not to get different fandoms and ships all tangled.
Close Proximity, Ed/Winry, G. For
evil_little_dog's prompt "Ed and Winry, snowy days".
Old School, Havoc/Sciezka, PG-13. For
havocmangawip's prompt "Havoc and Sciezka, winter fun."
By Inches, Roy/Ed, PG-13. For
pandoraculpa's prompt, "Roy and Ed, removing wet clothing".
Guns. Riza/Miles, Havoc/Rebecca, PG. For
randomcheeses' prompt, "Riza and Rebecca, discussing their men." This went all Wrong Turn 'verse on me, hence Riza's man being someone other than the obvious. But I know randomcheeses likes Riza/Miles?
Social Engineering, Lavi and friends, G (but Lavi really wishes it was NC-17). For
cornerofmadness's prompt "Lavi, doing something incredible dumb because he thinks it'll be fun", and
enemytosleep's request, "Can this incredibly dumb thing involve snow and Kanda (or Dark Allen)?"