Title: Clandestine
Characters: Ed/Ling, Greed 2.0, Darius and Heinkel
Word Count: 2391
Rating: a fairly mild NC-17 for boysex. Oh, and Ed swears. Would you credit that?
Summary: You can only be in the great outdoors so long before you start dreaming of hot showers. And of dumping the people you're travelling with in them.
Notes: Takes place
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I think I laughed for about ten minutes and of course could not explain to my mother why it was funny.
Do you know if an anime version of it exists? I've downloaded the clip here: http://nijibug.livejournal.com/62732.html but have no clue how to gif it
celestialphoenx made that one for me, since my computer doesn't work right anymore (viruses are lame >:B). She also made this for me because she is amazing:
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Have I seen a version of this before? Most of this sounded familiar to me, though there were some new parts? Or am I totally crazy?
You guys are so nice to meeee~~~~ ::rubs against your ankles like a friendly cat::
One word for the ending of this story: Ouch! XD
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