I posted this in my xanga. I feel that my LJ readers should enjoy this. "Enjoy"
Normally I don't slap my work in my xanga, but I'm feeling rather political, as this peice is.
Please, while viewing this song, listen to the video I have prodived in my header- "Dreaming" by System of a Down and if you want further musical imagry while you view this image "Holy Moutains" by System of a Down.
Got the music playing?
Good. Here's the image:
This is a two part image I'm working on. The second half will be an explosion of the 'dream' into 'reaility'- meaning the dream is real, just on her thoughts always. A memory.
I drew this in inspiration for the war, but dedication. In the past we knew a family who wasn't close to us until the husban died- then we grew close. It was a new unit for my dad, transfered at the last second to go to war- and we didn't know anyone. Dad sent letters telling about how cool this guy was- and we should get to know his family. We did. They were a good family. He was a good man.
But her stories of how she had to live with her greif struck me so hard. Empathized? I could not, I had not lost my soul mate in war. But I greived with her none the less- because I saw the decaying of the veil, I saw the ture nature that was Human.
We are envious creatures of distruction. Machien, at will, empassioned for our own reasons of surivival. We care for ourselves first, then reach a hand out. This viel translates it otherwise and we live disillued.
Well enough of that rant. Discussions on the acutal image would be greatly appricated.