May 04, 2005 20:11
I had my orientation this morning with Richard. It was interesting to hear about how PVS started. He actually was running for Senator of Arizona against John McCain. It turns out that at the end of his debate when he was supposed to make one final attack on McCain, he decided to be honest. He talked about how politics has turned so dirty. He said he was in McGovern's office in DC, and McGovern told him that was why he was leaving office (McGovern's seat is the one McCain took over). When he lost the race, the idea of PVS started to come about. They started on college campuses, and there were multiple PVS offices around the country. They decided to change the way they structured it and had interns, and that's when they moved it to Montana. The board chose the location because they thought it was a unique vacation-like setting. I agree. It's really a beautiful spot. Anyway, it was an interesting morning. It was the most time I've spent with Richard. The more I'm around him, the less intimidating he is. I think most of it is hype, and he has a loud personality.
I finally finished with the Alabama bios! I've moved on to Alaska! We are getting three new interns this weekend. They're going to start piling in now. This means I'm going to be counting the days until I can move into town. I won't have the money until my second paycheck, which is the first Friday in June. I guess that's ok because my parents aren't coming with my stuff until the second weekend in June.
Well off to play on the internet until the Daily Show comes on!