May 20, 2005 19:24
sooooooooo I'm really bored and kind of pissed, its been a long week and its far from over. I'm really getting sick of mc donalds and closing and its really starting to feel like all i have done all week is bitch, and im really sorry to anyone who i made listen to me bitch all week because im sure that none of you wanna hear it. I really need to stop that, and i need to learn how to control my temper, lately i have just been going off on people and being pissed. im really sorry if ive done that to anyone also, though its mainly my mom i blow up at. she makes no sense on alot of issues but whatever i really dont wanna get into that either. im really in the mood to just call into work, drive over to erica's and fall asleep watching some random movie, but i guess she is busy for the weekend so that wont be happening any time soon either :( as for me i have absolutely nothing to do this weekend and im free for all of saturday and pretty much all of sunday so if anyone would like to do something please leave me a comment or a message or give me a call or something, i have a feeling im going to be incredibly bored the next day or two