Nov 06, 2008 00:33
Many years ago Martin L. King was in Washington D.C. and gave his famous "I have a Dream" speech. I remember hearing that while very young and hearing it again over the years. That speech was about what America should be and can be. The idea that a person can be judged by thier character and not thier skin color or sex. The idea that a person can be and reach thier dreams without being held down by the polictial and social system. Yesterday, MLK, that dream was no longer just a dream but reality. This nation basis on the idea that all persons are free and of worth has now shown the world that it is true. This nation and the world will not longer be the same that it was before 11/04/2008 and thank God for that. I believe that my grandchild will now live in a nation in which they will be judge by thier character and thier talent and just not thier skin color or sex. I never really believed that I would see this happen in my life time. I have seen the race riots of the 60's and oh my how we as a nation and society have grown. Over the last 7 years I have become ashamed to be an American due to the abuses of power of my government. I have seen my nation go to war based on lies and greed. However, as of last night, I have now never been so proud to be an American. I have served my nation since I was 19 years old, in the military as a police officer and now working in the court system. This is a great time to be alive and be an American. However, remember that now it is the time to work to make this change become real and lasting. It is our duty as Americans to work to make sure that we stay the best hope for the rest of the world and the example of what freedom really is, the chance for everyone to reach thier dreams, both small and great.