Sep 04, 2007 12:49
Boston was fantastic! We went dancing at this place called The Pill, and it was the best dance club I've been to since Kelly stopped doing Hang The DJ. Our hotel was in the middle of Little Brasil, and we got to eat breakfast everyday in an authentic old fashion diner, one of the ones that looks sort of like a little silver train car. Veg options were, understandably, limited, but I did get to eat cinnamon french toast every single day. There was a huge Marc Jacobs store, and lots of penguins and soft pretzels and beer from the gas station and a museum, and SO MUCH more! The best birthday present ever, Kelly. Rhiannon, I even got some of those ceramic "We Are Happy To Serve You" coffee cups at the gallery gift shop! It was pretty hard to come back to lame old Ottawa, especially if you've seen in the Globe the reports of the horrific assault that happened at Carleton two days ago (the headline of the Sun this morning: 'HE WILL ATTACK AGAIN').
Also, why is it SO stressful to deal with Air Canada? They are taking years of my life, I swear to god.