years later, I updated my livejournal...

Nov 09, 2005 11:47

Okay, so it's been a while. Since I last was yelled at for reporting on my skewed fersion of reality, I've been a little gun shy to really update this thing. But whatever. Here we go: (and for the record, any dumb thing I write shouldn't me taken to seriously. I'm in a good mood, I'm making fun of myself (and possibly you) and this is my interpretation on reality, and not WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. fuck)

Okay, so a month and a half ago, I quit smoking pot. It was getting to a weird place, where I wasn't really sure what the words "stoned" or "sober" really meant. Everything just seemed a little surreal. So I quit, which had the effect of me not being able to sleep right for a couple days, which was fixed by:

Getting dumped. Yvonne, the love of my life, for NO FUCKING REASON, dumped me. Okay, maybe there were reasons, the biggest of which, in my opinion, is her freaking out about how close we were getting. She has issues (don't we all) mostly concerning the fact that she freaks out whenever there's some serious commitng going on, and apparently she also freaks out when silly boys like myself be really really really nice to her.

So after getting dumped, I got hella depressed. There's been lots of drinking, kids, and lots of teen drama's on dvd, and lots of sleeping, and lots of cigarettes. What there's been very little of is eating. I've lost a ton of weight, which I think looks very sexy, but is prolly a little unhealthy. I'm down to 177 last I checked, and it's been years since I was under 190.

What else: in the time since getting dumped, I've played a show (which went very well), got to know this amazingly rad girl that I have a crush on (which, prolly isn't going anywhere anytime soon, something I am more than okay with. with friends like this, I'm a happy camper, and I'm not too concerned with it "going anywhere", dude.), partied a fuck of a lot, wrote a lot of songs and started planning for the upcoming split 7" I'm doing with WIFESWAP and for the cd I'm putting out, read some books, made out with a good friend of mine (which was awesome, but also is not going anywhere, which is also fine by me), and STARTED PLANNING MY TV SHOW THAT I'M MAKING WITH CHRIS:

Which brings us to now. I've really been just killing some time here for my meeting with Chris that starts in one minute. We're making a tv show. It's gonna be great. I'll have more info soon, but anyone who'd like to do some acting or some make up or some whatever the fuck, get ahold of me: burningwhitechurches AT it's gonna be a wacky ride.

much love, zachary
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