Now, listen. I don't intend for this to be a hyper-political blog; that's not my purpose for this, nor has it ever been. But there are moments in history that should be acknowledged. This, I think, is one of them.
Contrary to the cries of its opponents, this is a *not* a thought-crime issue. Think what you want, no one will stop you, and no one will prosecute you. But when you step over the line out of thinking and into violent will be prosecuted. That's what this law really says - and it's about damn time.
It's easy for me to counsel patience. Our country has come a long way regarding these sorts of issues in a relatively short period of time. But at the same time, I admit that the key reason that it's so easy for me to counsel patience is that ...well... let us be honest. I'm a heterosexual monogamist white woman. As one of my mulatto friends once said: "Gosh, Patty, that's mighty white of ya." Yes, my grandmother was raised on a reservation. Yes, I'm a member of a minority religion. Yes, hell, I'm a woman - so that's "minority three ways," for me. But really? Really? I pass pretty damn well, and as a result I'm not terribly hampered.
Let me say this, and say it as clearly as possible:
Every human should have access to the same rights and priveleges that I do.
Until that happens, we need to keep working.
And so I raise a glass to this piece of legislation. It's about damn time people received the protection they deserve.