(no subject)

Sep 06, 2004 21:12

Ok, Friday, school. Gay. Checked out to miss the ~*~PeP RaLlEy~*~. Stepheo and Caro came by to pick me up. Chilled at Caro's house, went to the show. I got to see Kyle. Matt got me in for free. And saw the other billions of people there. Jess and I went to QT to pick up a Rooster Booster. I went with Stepheo to Taco Bell, Terri and Kelly met us there, but they were closed. So I went home with Terri. We went to Waffle House as soon as we got home. We get to Waffle House, and who is there? All Rights Reserved and TFOA minus John. After I ate I went over there to talk to them since I didn't have a chance to talk to them at the show. I want to see them when they come back in a few weeks with Cartel.

Wake up beside Terri Saturday morning. Got up, got ready, got to Powers Crossroads to work at the Student Art Stand. GAY. So then a HUGE misunderstanding happened:

I call my mom at 10, she can get to me in an hour and a half, which means she picks me up at 11:30, 30 minutes to get home-be home at 12. Paige picks me up at 12, talk so my mom for a few while I'm getting ready. Everything works out great.

Only not at all...At 11:45 I finally get in touch with my mom and she is in freaking Marietta. Only 45 minutes away from where I am. So Paige comes to pick me up, only to stand in traffic. It took us an hour to get to Newnan when it should have only taken 20 minutes. Anyway...

So Paige and I make it to Atlanta at 2ish. We can hear Cartel coming from inside. So we run in, run to the front, and it was magical. I love little concerts. So their singer is rolling all in the crowd making love to his mic. He got over Paige and me, so we got to sing and it made me happy. I kissed his face? or something like it. Hahaha, but that doesn't compare to Kelly licking Adam Lazarra's face. Cartel's over. We met Caro C, John, Michael, Phil, Gavin, and Josh. The Working Title plays. Caro goes with me to see them. Their singer was fucked up on something serious. The Working Title makes me think of February-March. And I don't want to be reminded of that time. Working Title's off, Mae's next. Caroline and I stayed where we were because we were against the barricade and she is in love with Mae. They came on. Good, but boring. The A Small Victory was next. I've never really listened them too much before, but I liked them. Paige drives back home and we meet Gavin at Chin Chins.

Sunday is Jessie's surprise bday party. Sooo many people were there. That whole night was amazing. Ms. Larissa -Jessie's mom- drive Jessie, Jenny, Caroline Burke and me. On the drive up to Wild Bills we blasted the TBS. Get there. Wow. Go home to TBS. Go swimming. Climbed on top of White Oak Elementary. Had Attempted races down the roof. Played on the playground. After that, about 9 or 10 of us piled on Jessie's parent's bed. There wasn't any room for Cate, Chase, or me. So we just grabbed a chair. Jenny was on another Mountain Dew high at this point. That's something interesting. Then we realize two people are missing, so we get a search party together and found them. Then we went to the football field hut or something. I had to pee, so I walked back home all by myself. That's when Toby kept me company. As I walk home, everyone kinda follows in behind me. Then Caroline runs up behind me. That's the first time that night she talks to Toby. She confesses her unpropounding lust for him. Hahaha, CAROLINE I LOVE YOUUUUUU! Everyone was either piled on the bed or watching a movie, so I just sat in the kitchen and looked at a Victoria Secret magazine while talking to him. Then around 5:30 or so, 20 of us made a bed in the living room. The other 10 were in the den. So Jessie had 30 people staying the night with her. Insane.

So my mom picks me up from her house. I lost my flip-flops somewhere over there. I hope someone finds them, or its Converse for me for the next few days. =( Then we go to Cumberland Mall with Rena, her brother, and their mom. Oh my god, not to be racist or anything, but every person that helped us was either black, asian, or a dot head. Jesus...I got sooo pissed off at everyone of them. Cumberland has become too ethnic for me. Fuck that.

I love Terri more than you.
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