Title: Green Eyes of the Gods
Author: Sophia Dreith
Fandom: Boardwalk Empire & Thor
Pairing: Loki/Lucky Luciano/Arnold Rothstein
Rating: R
Summary: Tom felt the blow to the back of his head and the world was suddenly in slow motion. The hit hadn't hurt in the slightest, but he felt something bubble up inside of him and turned to the man behind him holding the wooden club. "That... was a mistake."
Notes: This fic starts in the first season while Rothstein is in Scotland but AR will eventually be a main character. Also, I'm looking for a beta but I've had a harder time since I really want someone who is familiar with BWE. I figure this is the place to find such a person :)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
This is not yet complete and I'll try to post here every five chapters or so with links to the new chapters.
Part 01 |
Part 02 |
Part 03 |
Part 04 |
Part 05