Jimmy/Richard birthday fic fluff for captivatedlady

Jan 25, 2011 19:29

Title: "Needle Eye"
Word Count: 4,403
Rating: PG-13 for language
Characters/Pairings: Jimmy/Richard with appearances of Margaret and the children.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything BE wise.

Summary: Written as a cheer up! fic and early birthday fic for the wonderful captivatedlady . Happy Birthday, sweets! I hope you like it. She wanted some Jimmy/Richard fluff so I delivered.

This can be seen as slightly an AU but the only change in the story/characters is that Margaret's children are older and it's implied that Nucky has been with Margaret for several years. Everything else is the same.

Jimmy begrudgingly is sent on a mission to help chaperone Margaret's daughter's birthday party and Richard helps Jimmy forget why he was there in the first place. Tender and sweet moments ensue!

Here at my journal: "And it’s like Richard is threading Jimmy through an eye of a needle, pushing him through and taking him where he didn’t know he wanted to be."

character: jimmy darmody, character: margaret schroeder, fanworks: fanfic, character: richard harrow

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