Aug 21, 2006 03:21
Submit your application to (yeah, it is long). Do NOT post it here.
While we accept applications for teachers, please try to stick with applying for characters that will be students. It's AU, so you can always play younger (or older) versions of characters!
For the time being, as of 12-04-06, we are no longer accepting applications for professors. Please AU your child of choice enough to be a student until further notice.
We are now accepting applications for instructors once again.
Edit 2-15-2007: As of right now, DU is an invite-only game. Please copy the application below, and give it to the player you'd like to apply to the game! On occassion, this post will be unlocked to allow new players to app for a period of time, but only every so often! (NOTE THAT if you can see this app, you may feel free to app away! Also, if you're accessing this post directly, the "Where did you receive this application" portion doesn't need to be answered!
Gender: yeah, I know, but sometimes you get names that you just can't TELL, and I don't wanna assume
AIM Screenname:
Where did you receive this application?:
Personality: Personality description must exceed five sentences, plz.
Sexual Preference and Why: this game isn't anti-much anything, but this is an important part of a character's personality, and mostly so the moderator isn't left going wtf, but it is expected that what is placed here remain consistant in gameplay unless given substantial development time
Background: While this is AU, it's not a complete rewriting of a character. Please do not bastardize the child you're applying for, okay? Also, be as detailed as possible.
Sample RP: 3rd Person/Past Tense/150+ Words
Once through, please EM to!
Things to Know:
1) Please do not "patchwork" your applications. This means taking most of a prior application and slapping it into one for this game. Not only do moderators find this terribly insulting, but it shows that a player isn't truly trying to get into the game. It's pretty obvious if you patchwork, and if I catch it, your application will either be requested to be rewritten, or outright denied. It's sad that this is something I had to add on here, but it's happening more and more these days.
2) Sample RPs MUST be of the incarnation of the character you're applying for.
3) Length is a VERY important factor. While, true, I will accept applications based on far more than this, detail is awesome.