This picture Reminds me of a time when I was at a birthday party. My friend Chris was turning 18, and we were having a good ol' time. My friend Michael Dickman was kind of moping around, saying things like, "I don't feel too good," or "guys my stomach hurts, take me home." To which we responded "If it hurts that bad, you can walk home!" (mostly jokingly) and "Stop whining, Dickman." After a few minutes we finally took him home, what a baby, crying over a little upset tummy-wummy?
So the next day we call him and his mother tells us, "Oh no, Michael can't do anything for a few days, he had to have his appendix out last night."
We all felt really bad, and we visited him, told him we were sorry, brought him candy, ect...
It was still hard not to laugh.
I bet this python was saying the same thing to his friends, "Guys my stomach really hurts bad."
To which they reply, "You're such a whiner Mike, we eat those things all the time."
The next thing they know, they call his mother, she's in tears, she tells them the story...
I bet all his friends are finding it hard not to laugh.