Feb 15, 2002 22:47
Ive lost alot of understanding in the passing days. The biggest question is the unanswered why? I wish i could change the tone that LJ has taken on lately to one more bright but unfortunatly i have nothing to offer from my lips than word of sadness.
i have felt pain
not the pysical kind like when you skin your knee or bump you elbow but the emotional kind. In a sense is is worse then being sad because unlike sadness it gives you no relase. It wont urge me to cry. It just leaves me in this unbelievable sense of nothing, no feeling but that of an undescribable, unreleasable pain.
its not even my place, i dont have reason to feel pain. It leaves me feeling selfish. maybe my pain isnt for me so i can disregard the selfishness i thought i felt... i guess the truth is that i really dont know