Nov 17, 2005 12:31
I have nothing interesting to say. I'm just bored, killing time in the computer lab before Spanish at 1. I have about 25 minutes.
I'm excited for Spanish to be over because I'm ditching Econ 101 to go home and sleep before I have to go back to work at 5. Yes, that's right, back. I was already there from 5:45 to 10 am.
Well, Thanksgiving weekend is quickly approaching. In exactly one week I will be eating myself retarded with Priscilla's family since no one in my own will be around.
In less than a week, I will be drinking myself retarded with Johanna, one of my favorite ridiculous drinking buddies.
In a little over a week, I will be eating, drinking, and dancing myself retarded with the girls for Courtney's birthday.
Unfortunately, I have to work at 10 a.m. Sunday, so I must depart Torrance on Saturday. Anyone feel like driving me back to SB? I'm not doing that train bullshit. Seriously, it sucks, and none of my roommates will be around Saturday to pick me up.
So, since my time is limited, I need to see the rest of the COT crew during daylight hours. And then some (fucking daylight savings). Soooo... callmecallmecallmecallme!
I'm getting tired of Carrie bitching for the eleventieth billionth time about how she has to work at 5:30 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. Yes, that sucks, but SHE chose the new job in retail at Robinson's May in November. Plus, I have to work at 5:45 a.m. EVERY Thursday, and I only bitch after the new South Park is over and there are still 298734239870923 people in my living room shouting and smoking and doing stupid shit.
And my roommates need to learn how to lock the fucking door before they go to bed.
So yeah, now that I've discovered that my time over Thanksgiving weekend will be severely limited, I'm looking forward to winter break even more. I've come to realize recently that I really am just visiting, and not really going "back home" anymore. Like, there's never going to be another time that I live at my parent's house in Torrance and hang out again. There's only going to be rushed weekends and however much time I can spare away from work over breaks. This depresses the hell out of me. Especially since I like the kids in Torrance infinitely better than most people here. That wasn't really the case until, like, this year.
Goddamn, why does living here depress me so much? I miss having a clique, I guess. Like, most of my roommates have theirs, and it's so exclusive I can't even get in and I fucking live with them. I mean, it's cool, I'm sure they're not doing it deliberately (yet sometimes I feel like they are, but that's just security and paranoia talking, right? Or do I really suck that badly that I should be avoided, ignored, and excluded?)
You know what new punctuation convention bugs the crap out of me? Not using a comma between the second-to-last in a list and the "and" before the last. E.g. "avoided, ignored and excluded". In English, you can choose to omit the comma. I don't. In Spanish, however, you MUST omit the comma, and that keeps fucking me up in compositions (fuck, I just wrote composiciones, like in Spanish) and I think in newspaper articles as well.
Okay, I wasted about 15 minutes. Now I'm going to go fuck around facebook and myspace and print out my 101 homework. Yeehaw.