Mar 29, 2009 23:14
So no luck on finding a new job. I didn't get called for an interview at the U of O, but whatever. I have been working out a lot though. I finally dropped 2lbs. I am hoping to average about 1-2lbs every two or so weeks. I am really watching my calorie intake and sticking to my training schedule. I am running 4 days a week, swimming 3 days a week, doing Yoga 2 days a week and then doing this workout class 2 days a week. I am hoping by mid May to have atleast lost 5lbs, if I can loose more I'll be thrilled. It's not like I'm fat but at 130lbs I could afford to drop 10lbs. I am not starving myself or anything I am just cutting out a lot of the crap I eat. So Mitch was planning to try and fly me out to LA in May but after he brought it up a week ago he hasn't mentioned it. He was going to have his parents buy the tickets since his dad said he would buy the first trip, though Mitch has had some unexpected expenses lately and so I think he doesn't want to ask his parents for any money right now. So now it looks like I may not see him in May. Which makes me wonder if he will come out here in June to meet my parents like we planned. I don't know I just feel like if we don't see each other in the next few months that I should maybe start pulling away from this relationship. I am so afraid of getting hurt. I don't want to be the girl desperately clinging to some idea of a relationship. I really hate this situation I do. I wish he was with me instead of in LA...