I Wish I Were a Man So I Could Be a Drag Queen

Jan 14, 2006 11:27

Phew! The last two days have been crazy! I've been too beat to remember to write an entry. Well thursday was my Modern American History class at 8:00, it's the first 400 level I've ever taken but it looks so friggin' interesting! Then I did my first day at the gym and it kicked my ass but in a good way. I think it's really good that I can go straight to the gym between classes instead of going home first because then there's no risk of me crapping out. After that it was World Civilizations part deux, I made sure to get Jeff again because he's such a great teacher, and a grad student no less. Well between the 8am wakeup call and the gym I was pretty exausted by the time I got home so I took a lil' nap and then made myself a steak which took two turns in the broiler before I knew it was really dead.

Then it pretty much started all over again on Friday. Class at 8:30 and then went to N.American Indians & got a small introductory lecture, nothing all that intense, I maybe took a half page of notes. Then the gym again, and then to American History where I pretty much got the exact same lecture as the morning because they were both about how people migrated across the bearing land bridge into America. I have a feeling my classes are going to cross into eachother like that a lot this semester.

Then home, another nap, CSI, then I got jazzed up (well, kind of, tank top and earrings) and went to le drag show. So I got there and parked myself with a cigarette and had a fab time watching people on the dance floor. I think the whole club culture is so interesting. Here are a bunch of people dressed to the nines hoping they'll be the most popular person at the club and then they get there and they're just like everyone else. My favorite part is watching people bump and grind. It's just so frigging disgusting, and usually those people are really ugly, but it's sad and strangely interesting. They are so desperate for physical attention that they allow themselves to be dry humped by a perfect stranger. I don't want to sound like a queen, but girls who don't have great bodies need to wear clothes that cover up the bad features. Not a friggin pleated mini skirt and corset. But watching all the queens gave me a good idea for either halloween in july (if I'm in town) or next halloween. As for the qeens, they were pretty good, better than some shows I've seen. I don't want to sound like a bitch or anything, but I think that if they want to be really good they should actually do a bit of creative choreography instead of just walking back and forth and side to side. I mean, yes, I know these girls have lives and jobs but dangit, if you want to be great you gotta put on a show! Anyway, I stuck around for both sets, collected my sex kit (and threw away the planned parenthood condom!), and then came home. I thought about going to Quaid's party but for one I have a feeling Quaid would not throw that great of a party, and I had a stomach ache anyway. Quite the crazy couple of days, and I have to do it all over again on Tuesday! *cries*

health, drag shows, school

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