and you say...* i only hear what i want to! *

Oct 08, 2004 10:49


hey! well well lemme update...umm i had the boring class last night.. -medical insurances and billing- *groan!* and i was really nervous because this class is semi-fast paced and i DID NOT read ch. 6 this past week..i just kept putting it off and off until finally it*s the night before and i read pg. 1 and i*m ready for bed! o_0 so i figured that i could just read it the next day... well that didn*t happen *duh!* and so i tried to read it right before class but THAT didn*t happen either! * are you seeing a pattern? * anywho so come to find out the cool grrl Charnel that sits next to me, well she didn*t read it either because she didn*t hear her...well i heard her and STILL didn*t read it! oh well....wanna know why? because she assigned it AGAIN this time! well that*s good because for some reason we are ALL having some problems with the damn CMS-1500 forms! *grr!!* hopefully she*ll wait a long long while to have this test! > )

Harry*s been sick! : (( yeah i feel so bad for him! my poor little guy! i think i may have given it to him o_0...yeah i was ill feeling for like a week and then i went to see him ... o_0 *again* ....but he did work with Doug on saturday and he said Doug was ill...o_0...NOT my Harry!! : P LOL!

i*ve been job searching like a loser...i*ve decided that i*m going to try and find a job in like my as in maybe being a i sent in a "resume" yesterday and i*m calling like 2-3 other*s today *crosses fingers*..see all these places really want people with expierence (sp?) how exactly and i suppose to get some if i don*t get a job? *good ponderment!* so wish me lizzUCK!

i*m excited that on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th me Bucky and Betty are going to see Laurel at Gettysburg! that will be sooper sooper cool! i miss Laurel even tho she dosen*t TALK TO ME ANYMORE *LAUREL*!! anywho...this should be fun...especially with Bucky there! she*s so fun! we are gonna go nutz! woot!

tell me what you think of and Chris have been talking like emailing and today i get an email saying he can*t talk to me anymore because drugs have gotten the best of him and shit like that...i*m pissed because all summer i tried to be a good influence in his life...he said that he always had fun with me...but he*s being a dick because drugs are not COOL! at all! whatever...

Heather wants me to go to visit her at her job today but i dunno...i don*t wanna go by myself and Harry may come down tonight...*maybe* he*s really been sick, and if he*s too sick he might as well just go home and relax and what not...i*m not picky...but Heather works at the Harley Davidson of Hamilton...does it look like i belong in a Harley Davidson???? not at aLL! but whatever again...i*ll see her sometime...i dunno when and i dunno how but i will....

boar and brini are coming home soon! that*ll be another fun time!! : ))

yeah i should go do Richard or something useful! : ))

i *heart* hair metal!! o_0

*kind words of departure...*

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