Windows Live Writer.

Apr 14, 2009 08:54

Well im using the Windows live writer for this, so i guess ill see how it goes…. here ill add a snipet from one of my newer blogs…..

Why are we here?
What is the purpose?
Well, the short and simple way to put it, is...there is no answer. this sadly is one of life's questions that has no answer, because the question in itself is not entirely a question. I'll explain.
Me and a friend were talking about this while working (had a 6 hour conversation about it) and we have concluded, that the meaning to our existence, the reason why we are here and what we are doing.. is only a step, a choice we make.
lets break some things down first to get them out of the way. First. In order to TRULY believe in a higher power, one must first get rid of religion. Religion, we realized, is just another "choice" we have that fucks everything up.
Now If there is a god, and this god does exist, and god created us, then that really doesn't solve anything does it? we are no closer to answering this question. So we have to put the aspect of god on to the back burner. God is, while important, useless in this thought process. So now we ask ourselves why we are here, without the presence of god. Look at the world around you and notice one thing. SIMBIOTICS. Everything that lives(and does not live {we will get to that even later}) has adapted itself to live with its predators or prey, its surrounding. Everything in this world, living or non living will continue to be here long after we disappear. It will be like this because everything on this planet has a WILL to live(or to go on). Look at us and you see that we are Antibiosis beings. We do not adapt to our surroundings, we force the surroundings to adapt to us.
When you remove humanity from the planet, the planet still goes on.
Here is where it gets interesting. our lives, each and every one of us do not have a WILL to live, because we all understand that we are going to die, that the life expectancy for all of us will eventually fizzle. So in the short time that we have been around as humans, nature has designed a slew of chemicals to make us "love". love = sex = offspring. simple as that. What I mean by all of this is, we do not Will to live, we WANT to live.... Rather.. We want to live our our life, to die. Short and simple We all want to die. Everything that we are as humans is the exact opposite of what our surroundings are. We are the anti comparison. We hold false senses of value to our lives. but we know that we are going to die. How can you value something that will cease?.
let me clean this up because its probably coming off as retarded.
Humans Want to live to die.
Everthing else understands that it has to keep going, it has no choice because everything else (animals, plants) do not have "choice" as an option.
Everything else has Will.
Humans have Choice, We choose to do this or that because it makes us feel valuable to ourselves, that our lives mean more than what we think it does. By choosing, we are only prolonging our death, because from the moment we leave the womb, we start dying slowly. scientific fact.
now to ask "why we are here" , if it means to be fruitful and multiply like EVERY bible in every religion tells us to, then that simply means the reason is to overcrowd, and use up , and take advantage of our world. Because we do not have a will. we do not fit in with our planet. We only want.
We want there to be a god.
We want there to be life after death.
We want to live forever.
now we interject Choice!
What i meant earlier by us choosing this or that is leading us to our deaths is this.
We will all eventually die, that is a no brainer, we all will eventually have the same fate as everyone else. and its because we make choices, every day, of every second, that fills our lives up with a false sense of happiness, because we in some wierd way feel like we are controlling death. Death is the only thing nothing has control of. by us choosing this or that we only further establish that humans do not have will.
so to go even further with that. because we are unlike anything else around us. even the closest "relative" in our genetic tree are monkeys,they have WILL not WANT. Why then, it seems, did we generate the ability to pick up the insanely destructive force? to want, to choose. Where did it come from? If you were to ask yourself "why am i here". without thinking about god.
the answer would be to die.
if we put god back into the picture, and ask ourselves the same question, the answer, well the short answer, is the exact same, just with a different objective. and even that objective, is still a CHOICE. All religions try and teach us that Wanting is a bad thing. so then why do religions WANT us to WANT to go to "heaven"? figure that one out.
So we put them together and they both equate. therefore we can void out god. or we can void out our existence. and since its entirely impossible to have someone void out their own existence then we can safely say that god is an "idea". a "choice". because after all.. god is just another step on our staircase of life.
so if the meaning of life is to die. and we die because scientifically we are supposed to in order to replenish the soil so that the circle of life can continue. then ... the meaning is we die to live.
how then can it be that our existence is merely to die.
look at a plant. in its life it will produce other plants. that will germinate and grow, and germinate and die. the plant does not choose this, this is just the way it is. the way nature has intended it to be. in that aspect, if the plant has no mentality, and the plant never overpopulates, it knows exactly how fit into its world. Without mentality, we look at a plant just the same way we look at god, and any other plant, they are there... they just .... ARE..... they are immortal.
i will come back and clean all this up later, but right now my fingers hurt..
but long story short..
we purely exist to die. and we die to live again. but not us. the only part of us that fits into our world is that we die. funny because its also the only thing in this world that as an entire species do not Choose.
our WILL is to die.
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