Jul 03, 2006 01:33
It's been a fucking ride.
Life and love at hightide,
And all I can think about when they day
is over and done with is Him.
The way his hair naturally does it's own little thing and.
the way that his lips kinda pop out at me like nefertiti's
It's a sad day when I'm in love with a guy who works 24/7
It's heaven.
Because the time away always feel so long and,
the time we have together is most cherished.
I relish in it..
I love it.
I love him.
I am gay.
on the other side of life I had what can only be called a complete fucking emotional breakdown the other day. I mean the kind where you can't stop crying, even after you have settled everything in your head. It was that bad, it was like tinkerbell came and fucking stabbed me in the eye with her wand. Everything from the outside was so beautiful, because of my breakdown. I can only really see beauty when im a ball of emotions. I can only see heaven when im stuck in hell, with no water mind you. It was interesting tho. I had a breakdown for the same reasons that I had all my previous ones for like the past 10 years. My sister dying, My brother leaving for the Air Force, My dad being an asshole for 18 years and then trying to make up for it. Being gay was a major part of it, I would probably say close to 3 hours worth of my crying.
The wierd thing is I never really cry over anything, When I do actually have one (last one was when I was working in walmart in the deli. That was so funny to think about it.. i was fucking washing dishes and just started bawling, Candance tried to comfort me while i had a knife in one hand and she had Lavash in hers).... I dont know.. I was just fucked up then i think.. to many drugs.
I am getting a new job at target soon. I worked at target forever and a fucking day ago. Come to think of it, I started my Eljay a couple of days after I started target. They "let me go" because I was hired as seasonal. hiccup. I really do miss working there. Target was one of the very few places that I have ever worked that has been ok with piercings, and tattoo's. They rock ass, Plus benefits, you can't really turn down free health insurance now can you? Didn't think so.
I am just ready for life in general to get fucking rolling. No more fucking around ya know.