Sep 07, 2005 01:59
lately I've had tons'o'drama, but nothing so splendiferous that you all should care to hear..
..... what the fuck....why not
lets start off...... ahh heres a good spot..
a couple of days ago my grandfather died..
i wasnt super close to him. but it still hurt..
its like a fairy tale ... grandparents are..
youve grown up with them.. and you feel like there going to be around forever...
when they die its like a smack in the face.. BAM... there dead,, and now your like.. well shit..
life is real....
me and my mother ... once he was cremated... got some little glass jars, (very small.. the kind you see in hot topic with the little fairy's on them.. and there full o pixie dust)..
and we got some dark blue ribbon, and a buncha tiny silver crosses, tied the crosses on the jars..
and filled them up with grandpa dust...
it didnt hit me as hard as it did then, seeing him in ash form... grey ... and dry...
so right now he sits atop my doorway, gracing me and my mother with his blessings when we leave or enter our house.. he's my little watchdog now.. a... silent.... watchdog..
moving on...*tears up*
as of about.. maybe 10 days ago.. me and a friend... a good friend.. became *buddies* of the sexual kind..
its a good thing and a bad thing..
bad thing hes just a tish younger than myself..
like... 3 years younger..
but... good thing.. he's packing *a lethal weapon*
my god its big...
but yes.. its funny because i didnt ever think he would swing that way...
and after hours and hours of us sitting around.. talking..
playing video games.. it happened... one night
while sitting there .. playing games..
i gave up after losing sorely about 3000008y69869087 times...
and i just sorta fell over in an attempt to sleep.. well.. i fell on his lap..
low and behold my head hit a rather large.. tube like structure..
and hes like " he's happy to see ya!"
..... *need'nt go anyfurther on details there*.........
moving on *grins with pleasure*
two nights ago whilst i was preparing to go to work..
i felt what can only be described as someone hitting me in the groin with the forked side of a cro-bar
did not feel anywhere near pleasant..
so ... after about an hour of increasingly annoying pain..
i go to the hospital..
and after 3 4cc shots of dilaudid/phenegran/saline combo shots..
and C.T scans.. i find out that i have numerous kidney stones...
the largest of about 20 beeing the size of a tic tac ...
*that doesnt sound big until you think of the fact that the only way out is thru your pisshole*
so... i have been dealing with that.. peeing blood from pain,,... not beeing able to pee half the time..
and when i do its painfull from little calcium nuggets scraping their way through my urethra...
how has your day been?!?!?!.....
lol.. but yeah..
on a good note... or two..
i got a raise at my job.. 1.50 cent more... im very proud of that..
me and a coworker/bestfriend are going to be moving out soon ..
most likely out of state.. if not that then definatly out of city..
charlotte/ matthews is horrible.....
its shit..
id rather live somewhere like ...
iunno... anywhere but here..