May 28, 2005 08:52
So yeah .. its memorial weekend, in other words... buncha redneck-heehaw mother fuckers changing MY tv channels whilst im watching chronicles of Riddick .... OHHH HELL NO THEY ARE NOT DENYING ME OF VIN DIESEL!... lol
this dude came up to me and was like "Whut Channul IS E-EYus Pay EYUN on"...
i chuckled at his honklet accent ...
"IM sorry sir, the channel is to stay on HBO at all times... "
"Weyull Why Yall got Mo-wer Chanuls Den Jus' HBOOO"?
"Because sir, you cant just order hbo ..."fucking retard...
so anywho im sitting there admiring my prince diesel..
and the stuped bumpkin fuck changes it to some fishing channel and they all start acting like a pack of damned baboons.. hooting and hollering when mr "immaw cayutch me Sum Fiyush" catches a big ... bass?
dont get me wrong, im all about some outdoors,, but theres a time and place for that...
time beeing when vin diesel is not on the screen...
those fish can go fuck them selfs.
stupid heehaw Fuckers....