LOL. Something about the phrase "la semana de Tsubasa Imai" makes me crack up so bad. I think it's the fact that I find anything Spanish to be hilarious.
Taylor hasn't spoken to Becky and me since Saturday evening. Apparently, she's angry because we wouldn't let her take the PS2 into the living room. Uh, no? I like playing games in the comfort of my bedroom, and she already took the GameCube (seriously, I got to play Tales of Symphonia a total of a couple of hours before she took it and never gave it back), so there's no way she's taking the PS2, too. I already think she's enough of a douche for taking the GC right after I got a game for it, just so she can play games that she's already played multiple times. Jesus Christ.
... What. Oh, JE, you have the best costumes ever. Ueda, did you get in a fight with a bunch of gift-wrapping supplies?
I can't wait to go to Monroe this weekend. I want to chill in a hotel room, go to the mall, see Jeanette, go bowling... yessiree. I hope we leave on Friday instead of Saturday.
It's nearing five in the morning, so I think I'll crash now. \:D/