Nov 01, 2006 15:36
argh... LJ should (i think) be something i enjoy.. and totally on my terms... well.. i still feel sorta guilty about not writing in it for long periods of time.. like right now... i haven't written in like 3 months.. even though i read and comment on things almost everyday..
me.. a few moons have passed.. and i've/we've done alot.. one major thing was going to Costa Rica before the school year started for Ben.. and now he's teaching and toward the end of the first quarter.. and i'm still working at the office...
weight wise.. pretty much the same.. if i gain a few over a wknd.. then i watch myself over the week.. and then i'm back to my comfortable (not spectacular) weight.. so no problem.. lets just say i do not want to HAVE to buy new clothes to fit.. as I used to have to do in Indiana... ANYWAY..
sept. i did run in a 5k.. a first in like 6years.. which is pretty gosh darn amazing.. AND due to the results being posted online.. now when one googles my name it'll appear as my new married last name (w/hyphen)... so that made me happy.. as that's taken over a year for the internets to be up to date on me.. and yes, i did chk. once in awhile.
oct. saw my 10year high school reunion.. it's in the past now.. and i certainly did not attend..
now the holidays are coming up.. yikes! ready or not....