May 09, 2004 16:30
Well, yesterday I think I said that I got my hair done, and it's really cute. Then afterwards, I was supposed to chill with Ash, but her mom was being a bitch, so Ash and I never got to chill, SUXX. So then, I loitered around my house, and around the street, and in my yard for like, 2 hours, then I went online and updated, and then I ripped like, 20 cd's onto my Windows Media Player, and then went Mothers Day shopping with my lil' sisters and then we went to my moms to clean up her entire house (including laundry) from 6:30 'till 10:30 and we cam home, and my mom was at my house, and she was like, all pissed off 'cause we were with her bf, and she thinks that her bf likes to look at me or whatever, and she's psycho sometimes, and then I hung out with Mike, and Matt, and we shot pool, and I smoked out, and thought I was going to die from laughing, and then from the knots in my belly. UGH, it as terrible, so then I saw the guy that did my hair up at Blue Moon, and that was very interesting...let me tell you. So then I went home, around 4 a.m, after chilling with Mike and Matt, Matt's pretty cool now. He used to not want to talk to me, and now we talk, it's cool. I went to sleep, and then my mom wakes me up at 10:30, (what the fuck is her problem, waking me up that early on Sunday, she's psycho), and she wanted me to go to church with her, for mothers day, I'm like, "nope!" SHE DIDN'T SAY THANK-YOU for ANYTHING....not a damn thing. She didn't say, "OH good job on the house you guys", or, "Thanks", or anything, and nothing about the gifts and card we bought her either. So I will NEVER do anytihng like that for her ever again, she doesn't appreciate anything. I could have hung out with my frind Vic last night and saw "Van Helsing". but no, I gave up my plans, at the last minute, to go clean up her house for a surprise, so that when she came home from work, she wouldn't have to worry about anything but getting a bite to eat and going to sleep. So least she can't say that we don't care about her, or didn't do anything for her. And she actually said this morning that, because I didn't go to church, I'm so selfish, well, if I'm so DAMN selfish, then how come I went to HER house, HERS, I don't live there, and neither do my sisters, and do her laundry, dishes, and sweep and mop and vacuum and organize her entire house? Yeah, I'm so selfish...especially since I could have spent my money on myself, but I spent it on her stupid gifts. So whatever...
Then, today, I woke back up at 2:00, hopped online, and I have been talking to Paul eversince, about my damn computer. And now, I have to take a shower, I feel like my skin is saturated with smoke. BLECH.
Update more later...
~ Amber