Friday, March o3, 2oo6

Mar 03, 2006 22:54

"Joke me something aweful....

[24 Nov 2005|07:25pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Fall Out Boy ]

...just like kisses on the necks of "just friends" .

"Some things that you find out just make you say "what the fuck?" and you just dont know what else to say.... yeah........"

"Its things like this that make me say ...Wow you're a liar. why didnt you just TELL ME THE TRUTH? if thats what you wanted then whatever..... but dont lie to me... then expect me to forgive you sometime in the near future. although part of this whole thing is really funny. i mean so funny i like laughed for 10 minutes straight last night. too bad i had no one to laugh with. if only Brittany and i would have figured it out the other night before lol. but yeah... sometimes i just dont understand people. why do you say one thing but mean another. and why do people have SUCH bad timing. seriously think before you act...and also think before you say something... because i could prove a point to a few things right now.. but i wont. why? because i dont have the evergy for it. thats why. but even when it was me.... i was never the one that mattered most. maybe im wrong...but it just always seemed like i was number 2....or maybe even 3. sadly."

"hopefully things will work out in the end...between..well not just this..but everything thats been going wrong lately. i thought one thing was fixed..but i guess not. sometimes things get fucked up and most matter how bad you want them to...they wont go back to the way they used to be. you just have the memory of those things that used to be so great...and thats all.... and eventually the memories fade away because they're not a reality anymore. i wish so much could be fixed. but i know no matter how hard i wont happen. there's nothing else i can do i guess. i guess there's not such a thing as forever... or happy ever after. or maybe there is.... and i just have to wait forever to find it. who knows. i certainly dont."

Thank you Kalani.
It all makes sense now.
"I'm not her."
Ironic, don't you think?
It's just a name though.

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