Oct 10, 2004 00:21
Sometimes I wish I could understand people better. I don't know if I am a poor judge of character, or if I’m bad at reading others, or maybe I just have a different thought process than most. I wish it would be easier for me to understand how someone thinks. Am I making a fool of myself by even trying? does it really matter in the long run if you loose a friend or two as a casualty of war? I think it does.
I wish that my 11:11’s would start coming true again. I wish things would be in their right places again. Maybe though, I’m just not used to this, don't know how these things work. is “just give it time," the right answer? or if you give something like friendship time, will it just disintegrate, like a house that is not maintained? I’m worried that it might.
At the same time, a counter stream of thought is flowing. what if I can read people fine? what if things are as they appear to be...at a complete end? Am I a naive fool for bothering? for missing? for drawing things out? It would be nice for a little guidance, for some kind of definity, and depending, somewhere to direct my anger or affection.
But..as is reality, whishes are only self-fulfilling prophesies, you make wishes knowing the outcome. hoping that the future somehow may end up different than your logical prediction. Who knows then....? I hope my wish comes true, I would miss a friend.
The other reality is, that life goes on. The only thing that makes time pass is time. I have heard it said that time heals all things, but the way things heal may not be the way I want them to.
Keep you friends....