a poem

Jun 02, 2004 23:22

T’was the night before the last day of high school,
And Ben was far from done
He had papers to type and it wasn’t much fun,
An ethics final tomorrow
Nope, he hadn't studied
He had just started physics,
And then the plot muddied,
"Screw this" Ben cried as he got up from his chair
I hate all these finals, this just isn't fair!
He turned on the TV, and look who it was,
Why it was Newman from Seinfield being chased by the fuzz,
The stump of a pipe Newman held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly
"Um jelly" Ben though, "I would like to eat"
So he went to the pantry and got out some meat
He made a sandwich of beef, and toped it with mayonnaise
But as he wolfed down his meal he remembered Fred Haise.
"Mega bummer" he said, the astronaut from Apollo 13,
He remembered his physics and his face went green,
"I need to study" he thought with a pained look on his face
Ben truly was stuck between rock and hard place
"Now Physics, next Ethics, after that I’ve got more,
Onto religion, then math, what is all of this for?"
'Jeez" Ben exclaimed as he sprang from the table
"I cannot do this I just am not able"
He reached for his keys, to the Jetta he flew
"Ill go see my friends" he thought, "ill hang with my crew"
And as he drove out of sight you could just hear him yell.
Tomorrow’s the first day of summer baby; school can go straight to hell!"
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