Sep 30, 2003 22:41
the morning started out pretty rough, i got into a yelling contest with my dad. In the end i actually stood up to him and just told him to nock it off. it felt good but it really upset me. i don't know why but i started to cry, i think my dad and i have some issues.
i thought about not going to damien rice, but i decided to anyway the first 4 periods were pretty bad, i was really upset about the argument with my dad and the fact that i didn't have anyone to go with to the performance. was really excited but i wanted to share it with someone. I left after 4th period and called steven and envited him on my way the the triple door. he met me down in seattle and things got better from there. we went in and the had a buffet lunch from the wild ginger all set uf for us, it was really good, the venue was aweome! its only been open like two weeks and its really well done inside. we sat at this little table right in front of the stage. literally touching it. man o man! after we had eaten, marty riemer, the radio guy from 103.7 came on, introduced himself and then called the band on stage, i was so excited, i can't even describe it to you. they came on, Damien, his drummer, the chellest, and the base guitarist. Damien talked and answered questions for about five minutes and then started to play. it was about the most amazing thing i think i have ever heard. have you ever gotten that feeling along the back of your spine, were your breath catches i your throat and you feel tingly all over. it was like that for about 45 minutes. i was so unbelievebly happy! he was so amazing to watch, he got completely lost in his music and so did i. i cant describe how it felt other than to say the it was one of the best exeperiences ever.
you have to understand something about me and damien rice, i first heard him on night at about one o'clock on mtv 2. i fell in love with the song and style of music, i got the cd that night off the internet and listened to it all summer long. that cd really connected with me, it helped me through a lot of hard times and mead me so happy other times, i would fall asleep most nights with it on the cd player. sometimes i would listen to one song for hours just listening and absorbing the music. being able to see him play i person like ten feet away from me was like compleating something that i had been searching for for a long time, it really just put me on this high that i have never experienced before. i am still just amazed. if you don't have the cd, i will give you one, just ask, thats how much i love this music.
life can be so good sometimes. like a roller coaster with a huge drop and a satisfying twist at the end.