well i seem to have been subtly outed to the city of helena seeing as how i appeared on the front page of the sunday paper wearing a shirt that said faggot on it. oh good lord. well, at least it was for a good cause. here is the link to the news story, there will be more in the coming week, the other paper is doing a story i think. maybe something in the ap,
http://www.helenair.com/articles/2005/01/23/top/a01012305_01.txt tonight i got asked by a reporter straight up if i was gay, it went something like
"oh one last question.....not to be nosy or anything, but are you gay?"
"(pause....laugh) ok, just wondering."
a bit awkward, but hey.
the website will be up with photos at the end of the week
http://www.hatelanguageproject.org check it out
in other news, i got my own room and people have been asking me to decorate theirs after they have seen mine. as hard as i try i just cant seem to hide my gayness........
life is good, and i miss you all. break was mega wicked awesome. google for ever bitches!