Basic info - OOC

Jul 05, 2009 06:59

†† Name: Tyki Mikk
†† Age: 26

► Picture:

White side (he also normally wears glasses with this outfit):

Black side:

Knight/Release Noah:

► Personality & Background:
(Some of his background is made up, considering we know little to nothing about any of the backgrounds on the Noahs, but it should be rather fitting with canon - it can be expanded if need be)

Tyki has two sides to himself, each with their pros and cons when it comes to getting about the world.

White side: Tyki has been shown to be much like your everyday joe while he is in his white form. He works in the mines along with other humans, which is surprising considering his family's professed hate for humanity in general. Honestly, he does his best to keep this half as untainted from his black half as possible, though sometimes it inadvertently crosses over. Here, he shows his penchant for gambling and carefree attitude, to the point he holds little to no bias against Allen for cheating against him in turn to win the card game, mainly because he mentions he would do the same for his friends. Despite having little to no history on his background, we can assume that most of his normal, human life has effected this side to make him like any other good natured person out there.

Black side: Tyki's black side is a force to be reckoned with. While it's something his white side tries to keep separate, it's slowly taking over more and more of his life. His black side is the full embodiment of his Noah half, the "pleasure" part of the Noah in him. From what evidence we have in the manga, Noahs despise humans, for what reason, we're not fully understanding of just yet, but they want the destruction of humans by destroying the 'Great Heart' that lies somewhere in the world. Here is where Tyki's biggest 180 comes in, as he has his white side that genuinely cares for the humans that he stays with, while his black half is completely and utterly for their destruction (considering his body count in the manga, and all, though it's obvious he would never hurt his friends back home if he could avoid it.) His black side is both cruel and absolutely sadistic when around humans (especially exorcists.) He absolutely thrives in the torture and eventual destruction of his enemies, either using them for his Tease (butterfly golems that have been created by the blood of humans) or taking out random organs and letting the person suffer until they die. From where I have taken Tyki out, he is staying in his black side a bit more, as he's come to accept his Noah heritage and starting to indulge in that pleasure a bit more now.

Knight/True Noah form: This stage has only been seen/released once by Allen Walker, and it is unknown if he can simply tap into such power now. However, when he is in this form, he is completely a toy of chaos, doing whatever suits him and not holding back any sort of damage that might be done. His strength is immense to the point that a general of the Black Order had to knock him down a bit, and even then, if it had not been for the Earl jumping in to drag him away, there is no telling what amount of damage could have been done. But as such, he is completely unaware of anything he's doing, which could very well cause damage to himself if it meant taking out an enemy. As it's been said though, it's very RARE to see him in this form, as it's common for him to switch between the black and white halves than anything else.

In general, Tyki's a somewhat calculated person between his white and black half. Luckily for him, his white and black half are practically considered different people, and he'll keep up that facade as best as possible. His family has become the most important thing to him since Allen cut him in their last battle, to the point he is starting to lose a bit of his touch with his white half. However, should someone push him to that limit, whether it's simply trying his patience too far (either threatening his family or truly hurting him to the point that he needs to become 'serious') or perhaps even worse than that, Tyki will not hold back anything. His powers include his Tease, butterflies created from the blood of humans, which can be used as a sort of energy shot or shields for him. They can also evolve into larger ones that he will use for weapons, mirroring a large shuriken that's not thrown so much as used like a sword. But Tyki's perhaps strongest power is that he can 'choose' what he touches/rejects. He's been known in the series to stick his hand through a person's body with no damage, but should he focus on the heart alone as he begins to pull his hand out, he will be taking said organ with him, leaving no marks on the body whatsoever - making him a most dangerous opponent. He can also 'reject' anything in existence, from water (he's been seen walking on it a few times because of such a power) to the air itself, creating a vacuum from which anyone inside would not be able to breathe. As such, Tyki should not be taken lightly - he is a dangerous opponent that enjoys the torture half of things and will not be afraid in the least to take another life, damn the consequences.


Tyki had been raised as a normal human for most of his life, living in the small town and looking forward to his life dedicated to mining. He had made friends when his family had died, and he had grown up with them, doing everything he could. But he, like most other Noah, had slowly started to find himself indulging in his pleasures with increasing frequency. It was strange, he had found it so delightful when things just went his way, and he needed to do it more and more. He taught himself how to cheat and get by in so many card games, because it was all so pleasurable to get your way, when supposedly 'luck' was the key to it.

It was then that they came to him. That little girl (or supposed little girl, anyway) and the Millennium Earl, the one that everyone talked about in the darkness. The man (or beast, no one knew) who could bring back your loved ones for a price. Tyki was terrified at first, thinking they were there to tempt him, that they were going to try and get him to revive so many people he had lost in his life. But instead, they had told him their story, how there was Noah who survived the ark, and his soul had been split up, creating what was essentially a family of himself through others. And he was a Noah, one who embodied 'pleasure' in every form. She was the 'dreams' of Noah, and there were so many others that he would need to meet and learn from. He didn't realize at first there was no 'yes' or 'no' answer, you either came with them or...well, he didn't want to think about the consequences.

And sure enough, he soon found himself as a part of that family. He found himself doing everything he could for them. They were his home away from home, someone he could always go to when his 'white' life became boring, which wasn't too often, but with the Black Order starting to move more into their territory with the Akuma, well, you had to break a few eggs sometimes. Tyki found himself absolutely enjoying the pleasure of hunting down the Earl's list, exorcist or not, and using those strange powers of his. Took him awhile to get used to it, yes, but he did, and he learned it as best as possible. His dealing in cards became useful, if not his main tool of getting rid of people, and he slowly became a Noah to be frightened of.

As the Black Order began to dig deeper and deeper into their plans, Tyki found himself on a hunt for someone named Allen Walker. It was then that he 'disposed' of him, though -much to his misfortune- Allen was found by the East Asian branch of the Order and regained his innocence despite Tyki destroying it. As such, when the Ark (which was created to not only house them, but help them transport and start their plans as well) was being destroyed in favor of a new one, he found himself fighting the troublesome pest. Tyki's strength was put to the test as he fought Allen, and unfortunately, his Noah was supposedly 'killed' by Allen with a rather painful slash of his sword. However, before he could do anything else, Road protected him until he awoke. But when he awoke, it was found that instead of the Noah inside him dying, it was actually released by the sword, causing him to go berserk and attack the Exorcists without any being held back. As the General's started to show themselves, the Earl arrived once more to kidnap the Noah family from the possible terrors and help Tyki regain his strength should he ever need to transform like that again.

Tyki spent days on end recovering from the wound as much as possible. While it did heal up rather well, it's still a sensitive spot, keeping him from the more dangerous missions, leaving him with the investigations and whatnot. As such, originally the plan was to send the eldest, Road, to the school, as she would blend in best. But, after the Earl's hand in it (i.e. having Road teach him things for days on end, which, didn't really turn out right in anyone's favor) he finally was sent out in hopes that they'd find some use for the place in the long run. The Earl had sent ahead a letter hoping they could get Tyki to be a teacher of sorts, but if not, he would do his best to blend in with the students at this 'college' of places. It was worth a shot anyway, better than sitting back in the Ark doing little to nothing. At least he'd get his full entertainment value if the exorcists were there...
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