My new word that I tottaly stole from someone else :douchebagitude.
Ah, Life, it's things like that that get me through the day.
So, how am I? Question of the week. I think I'm over that question. I can only say, "I'm ok" so many times before I'm not ok again.
I have moments, you know? And I have them because I know that my sister has them. I hate not being there...I've hated it since I moved to H'burg. Now she's 300-something miles away, and I can't take the hour drive I used to. I have to see her when she's in town. I guess I can say I'm on her time now. I can also say that that sucks.
I found the pictures of the wreck online. Unintentionally, of course. I was looking for info on the woman that was in the wreck with Haileigh's father, and I ended up finding those pictures. Bad.
I really haven't talked about it much. Not the way I want to. I've generalized it in conversations, but nothing really comes of that. Now, though, I feel like it's too late to dig all of that back out of me at this point.
I keep getting wedding invitations in the mail, also. I got 3 in 2 days. Stoppit! That's a whole other subject. Marriage.
Ah, Life.