New Years Resolutions

Dec 27, 2009 22:22

I have the standard few

1). Keep the apartment clean
2). Save money
3). Lose weight
4). Make sure to get my daily requirement of protein and veggies.

But I also have a few to better myself, my whole self.

1). Try a raw foods item at least once a week.
2). Bring up my gpa more
3). Read at least one book a month (more is wanted but I dont like to "rent" books)
4). Try to be the best wife I can be and stop arguing with my husband

Everything just feels so off though. Everything is different and I dont want to go back to who I used to be. I want to strive to be the best possible version of myself.

I just want to be happy. Even though I hate my job, I think I need to start forcing myself to enjoy it. I think I need the karma points.

I want to be right spiritually, emotionally, physically...everything.

I havent so much liked a lot of parts of this last year, and I want that to change.start

Dear me,
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