Feb 10, 2007 03:47
theres a problem..or a hole..doesn't mean you can fix it. which is what makes me think manifest destiny isn't just fluff and talk.. some things.. we really can't change. even when given what to others would look like the opputurnity. some things... have to happen on their own.
poison... on a table.. something is poisoned. the hungry man would eat ravinisly. the wise man would wait. and observe. is it an excuse? maybe. oppurtunity isn't chance. its a convergance. that it is there.. and recognized as such.. is that it? or is it more. I'm not saying I've missed oppurnity. though I'm sure I have. but only that the right door hasn't opened for me, at the right time, in the right place, for me to recognize blue sky as blue sky. Its been mostly dark around here lately.