END OF AN ERA: moving to Tumblr and AO3 as of 2023

Dec 29, 2022 21:26

Welp, I'm mostly going to switch over to using Tumblr and AO3 from LJ and FFnet. Too much effort to double post (and reformat) on 2 different blog and 2 different fanfiction sites, considering traffic's been moving away from the latter two for quite a while now.

Gonna leave both the LJ and FFnet accounts up and active, both to catch stray comments and because I have no desire to have to completely move things over, but I'm no longer planning to actively post on either one.

I will no longer be posting a consolidated review response post either, since AO3 works just fine on that front.

So if you wish, catch my fanfics on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/bnomiko/works and my random posts about my fandoms, collectibles, etc. over at Tumblr: https://bnomiko.tumblr.com/

ALL of my fics will continue to be archived on my own site: http://www.phenixsol.com/Miko/FF/


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