Feb 20, 2006 07:41
So, I went to the boyfriend's this weekend to spend time together since we hadn't seen each other in two weeks. The lovely boy surprised me with a dozen red roses and a heart shaped box of fannie may chocolates! I forgot how nice it was to be appreciated...oh wait, I've never really had that happen.
We saw Brokeback Mountain and it was almost as good as my expectations. Some of the transitions were a bit jarring and bits and pieces of the dialogue were hard to swallow but for the most part I enjoyed the love story and the major angst that made me want to go and hug Alma (even though I don't particularly like Michelle Williams). It was good to see Anne Hathaway in a movie not rated G, she's got some potential ;) Of course, you know, I cried at the end...can't seem to help it, Brian at least thinks its cute.
I needs must go write a paper that was due last night and I fell asleep before even starting...go me :/