What the Hell, CBS and FOX? A poem by Bailey Lizotte

Mar 27, 2009 23:43

What the hell, CBS and FOX?
I do not appreciate your anti-Bailey scheduling
Do you not realize that you have scedule my favorite shows at the same time?
Not everyone has Teevo, CBS and FOX.

How am I to choose between my British love and my gay love?
And how am I to know what shenanigans Sheldon is getting into?
Do you not care, CBS and FOX?
Do you not feel my pain?

American Idol does not need to be on any more.
It's old, stop screwing with my schedule.
And why is the Late Late show on at 12:35?
I need to get up early, and that 5 minute delay by Letterman irks me.

It was summer, and it was hot.
Rachel was there.
A lonley gray couch.
"Oh look!" cried Ned. And the kingdom was his forever.

Take heed, CBS and FOX
You will lead to my demise, or perhaps your own/

television, angst

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