because i think some people actually read all of these...

Jun 05, 2005 19:39

100 things about me:

1. First grade teacher's name: mrs. booth.  she was so cool.

2. Last person you kissed: i plead the fifth

3. Last word you said: upstairs.  as in "i'm going upstairs"

4. Last song you sang: that one (the) faint song on the way home this morning

5. Last person you hugged: kat?

6. Last thing you laughed at: my psycho cat when she bumped foreheads with me and then tried to bite my cheek.

7. What's in your CD player: you mean on iTunes?  blue merle.  i don't own a cd player anymore... hell i can't even find my iPod!

9. What socks are you wearing: no socks for me!

10. What's under your bed: nothing because i don't have a goddamn bed frame.

11. Current status: slightly annoyed that i have to work tomorrow.  otherwise, i'm ok.

12. Current taste: chocolate

13. Current hair style: i'm growing it out but i need to get it highlighted soon.

14. Current clothes: sweatpants and a t-shirt

15. Current Job: working for the army at ft. belvoir.  and the barn every other sunday.

16. Current longing: to be anywhere but in fairfax.  to not be lonely.

17. Current desktop picture: orange fish

18. Current worry: to not have enough money for next semester.  i also worry about my friends.  and my apparent lack of responsibility.

19. Current hate: the feeling of felt.  cleaning products of any sort.  headaches.  people that don't defend our guys fighting overseas.

20. Story behind your username: i used to be a full time barn bitch and social chair, plus it's the name of our intranet thing at work.  i still coordinate friday nights with the members of the barn so it still fits.

21. Current favorite article of clothing: my black pants

22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: hands, eyes, smile, NOT FEET.

23. Last CD that you bought: i haven't bought a cd in awhile.  i downloaded Die Fantastischen Vier last night though.  and Die Prinzen.  and Klee.

24. Favorite place to be: with my friends

25. Least favorite place: grocery store.

26. Time you wake up in the morning: 515 on week days and apparently 830 on weekends.

27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: the guitar.  i have always wanted to learn it.

29. Current favorite word/saying: how's it goin?

30. Favorite book: right now i like the one i'm reading "a million little pieces"

31. Favorite Movies: i watched "in good company" today and i really enjoyed it.  except for the ending, didn't like that so much.  so i guess that means it wasn't one of my favorites.  i like "waiting for guffman" a lot.  and "super troopers."  man, there are so many.  "garden state." "charlie and the chocolate factory"  oh and "the neverending story."

32. Favorite Songs: "warning sign" by coldplay.  "talk show host" by radiohead.  'title and registration" by dcfc.  "california one" and "on the bus mall" by the decemberists. "happiness" and "junk bond trader" by elliot smith.  "here in my room" by incubus.  "PDA" by interpol. "sitting, waiting, wishing" by jack johnson.  "10 years gone" by zeppelin.  "broken box" by qotsa.  "overdue" by muse.

34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my grandpas

35. Favorite day: friday/saturday

36. Where do you want to go: philly, nyc, chicago, california, germany.  basically anywhere but here.

37. What is your career going to be: really interesting.  or really boring, depending on which route i take.

39. What kind of car will you have: probably the same one i do now.

40. A random lyric: "my soul is saved by these city lights/my face is framed by the blanket of night"

41. Eye Color: hazel

42. Hair Color: blonde

43. Righty or Lefty: lefty

45. Zodiac Sign: aquarius

46.Innie or Outtie: innie


47. Your heritage: italian/irish/swedish

48. The shoes you wore today: black ones

49. Your hair:  not quite to my shoulders

50. Your weakness: cute little rodents, geese, music, hugs, compliments

51. Your fears: clowns and underwater caves

52. Your most recent secret?: ask serena, she found out something about me last night that no one knew.

54. Your thoughts first waking up: why am i not still tired?

55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile

56. Your bedtime: whenever i get to sleep.  usually early on weeknights but not lately.

57. Your most missed companion: byron

58. Your perfect pizza: from my favorite pizza place in italy.  NOTHING else compares!

59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: salty and crunchy

60. Single or group dates: single

61. Dogs or Cats: cats!

62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither

63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

64. Cappuccino or coffee?:  coffee


65. Smoke: only when i drink

66. Curse: yes.  and according to matt i need to work on it.

67. Sing: sometimes

68. Take a shower everyday: yeah pretty much.

69. Have a crush: yeah

71. Think you've been in love: yes

72. Want to go to college: i'm in college.  and i cannot wait until it's over.

73. Want more than what you got: always

74. Want to get married: yeah, eventually.

75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: of course.

76. Think you're attractive: yep

77. Think you're a health freak:  in some sense of the word.

78. Get along with your parents: i get along with my dad 99.9% of the time, mom 75%

79. Play an instrument: flute and some piano

IN THE PAST 3 months:

80. drink: yeah

81. Smoke: yes

82. Done a drug: no

83. Made Out: um... no?

84. Go on a date: yes!!

85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no

86. Eaten sushi: no

87. Been dumped: no

88. Made homemade cookies: yes

89. Been in love: no

90. Gone skinny dipping: no

91. Dyed your hair: yes

92. Stolen anything: songs and movies


93. Had too much to drink: always

94. Been caught cheating: um... yes.  once on a phone quiz in my c++ class in high school.  it was horrible.

95. Been called a tease: oh yes.

96. Gotten beaten up: nope

97. Changed who you were to fit in: in middle school but i think everyone did that.

98. Cried at something beautiful: yeah

99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?: yeah on alcohol.  i was going to say music but i always need that.

100. Cried when someone died: yes.  life sucks sometimes.

this weekend was good.  thanks for all who participated in the festivities :-)
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