Time started: 4:49
Name: Emily
Nickname: emmie or tator
Single or Taken: um single at the moment
Sex: female
Birthday: 8-5-91
Sign: leo
Siblings: 1
Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9
Height: 5'6
What are you wearing right now? jeans and a
long sleeve shirt Where do you live: Trussville
Righty or Lefty: righty
Fingers: 10
Breakfast: Um maybe a bagel or pop tarts, french toast
Fav. cartoon character: um not sure
Have you ever--
Given anyone a bath: my dog lol
Have you ever smoked: nope
Bungee Jumped: no, but it seems like fun
parasailed: no but then again it seems like fun
Made yourself throw-up: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: not that i know of
Eaten a dog biscuit: uh no way
Got your tongue stuck to a pole: never put my tounge to a pole
Loved someone so much it made you cry? i dont think so
Played truth or dare: oh yeh...
in a physical fight: yeh with my sister
Been in a
police car: no
Been in a hot tub: i dont think so
Swam in the ocean?: yeh
Fallen asleep in school: yeh
Broken someone's heart: maybe
Cry when someone died: yeh
Flashed someone: um no
Cried in school: yeh
Fell off your chair: yeh
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call:
cell phone-yeh
Saved MSN / YAHOO / AIM conversations: yeh
Saved e-mails: yeh
Fallen for a friend?: yes
Been cheated on?: no
First thing that comes to mind-
Red: cherry
Blue: sky
Autumn: leaves
Cow: chik-fil-a
nickel: money
Elbow: bruised???
What is--
Your good
luck charm: my dolphin neckalace
Your room like: messy at this moment hopefully being painted soon
Last thing you said: will these stupid mallet players stop banging on the mallets!!
What is beside you?:
t.v Had Chicken pox: yeh
Believe in love at first sight?: not really
Like picnics: i guess...i haven't been on many
Like school? sometimes
Favorite school(s): um I like Auburn
Loved anyone: um not love love but like puppy(pre-teen) love yes
Would you--
Eat a live hamster?: are you kidding me no way!!!
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: um i doubt it
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my friends and maybe some family
Who was the last person--
You Kissed?: no one
You yelled at: um probably my mom
Who told you they loved you: um i dunno
Who is your loudest friend: hannah michelle
Do you/Are You--
wear contacts or glasses: yeh
believe in yourself: yeh sometimes
get along with your family: my dad and my sis when she comes home...i do with my mom but we aren't as close as me and my father are.
do drugs: nope
Have piercing below the waist?: no
Obsessive?: no
Anorexic?: no
Depressed?: no
Suicidial?: no
Final questions--
What are you listening to right now: nothing
Can you do a front or back flip? not on land but in the water
What did you do yesterday: slept and went out to lunch and to the store
Hated someone in your family: um yeh kinda
Got any awards: um band medals
Have you ever gone streaking?: nope
Want to get married: yeh i want to but not right now
What is your favorite
video game?: dont have one
Good Singer: um idunno
have a
lava lamp: yeh
What do you dream about: i dont remeber half my dreams
The last movie you saw at the theatres: um war of the worlds i think
Do you have a crush?: um yeh...lol
Scary or funny movies: both
Root beer or Dr. Pepper?: neither
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Phone or in person: person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngest
End Time? 5:03