
Weird conversations and job hunting

Mar 17, 2010 21:54

I was talking to my boss and a colleague in the coffee area at work today. It turns out then when my colleague was being interview for the job he currently has by my boss, he described himself as a "younger Brian Blackmore". I'm not sure if to be flattered or not!
In other news it looks as if my project will end at the end of June. Its nice to have something vaguely concrete as a date, although later would have been nice. Now I can start actually job hunting and actually have the ability to give people a date in which I could start. The scary thing is that the world doth seem to have the expectation that I'll just walk into some other job no problem, that would be nice but I'm not counting my chickens yet.
So what exactly am I thinking of doing next, well there is kinda 4 things in my head, of which 2 are probably sensible and might go somewhere, so we currently have...
  1. Just try and find a software team lead type job. Something kind of half technical, half managerial. Preferably somewhere around Coventry, Northampton, Milton Keynes kind of area. This is the kind of close to what I currently do option. But I like what I do, and if I could do it elsewhere then so much the better!
  2. IT type contracting. I seem to know lots of people that seem to be doing this, I can see no reason why I shouldn't be able to either. Of course what I don't currently know is what the best agency might be to talk to and what kind of official ticks in boxes might be required. I know I can put my hand to almost anything, but I guess I might actually have to prove it!
  3. There is a part of me that has always wanted to see if I could make a getting the really cheapest rail fare website working, I mean including the splitting the ticket at random places to get it cheaper type options. This probably needs a lot of work, and is most likely way to pie in the sky to be a goer on its own, but might go as a background project!
  4. And finally we have something to do with railway signalling software. I know its very specific, I have no contacts in this area, and no experience this area.

So there we go, random plan jottings. Of course if anyone has any other ideas, any leads, and hints, any advice, or even wants to offer me a job starting in July, just let me know or comment or something!
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