Major dilemma on my hands! Let me lay it out.
The school I attended in Washington was based on the quarter system, and now the school I am in uses semesters. The school just evaluated my Washington transcripts, and concluded that two of the classes I am taking now, I can drop. However, there are two downsides. One, the grades I obtained at the other school will not factor into my overall GPA, and two, if I drop them now, the VA will no doubt hammer my ass for dropping below full-time status, and I can not get a hefty refund for the two classes I am pondering dropping. So do I take the A’s I made in Washington, and cut my losses? I mean the chemistry professor I have now it completely confusing me. He tried to overanalyze things, and does not ‘instruct’ rather he simply does sample problems on the board. The lab instructor is equally puzzling. He is a Pakistani native who got his master in physics, oh yeah, and he speaks very broken English.
I shall discuss all of the above issues with my advisor, and hopefully she will give me direction. Anyway, that’s the recent happenings of my life. Not terribly thrilling, but it fills the empty white space.
Another note: My brother has his art on display at a local coffee house, and an expo, or whatever artists have this Saturday. He has finally decided to sell them, and I think the prices are listed at both locations. If you would like to take a sneak-peek at them, feel free to go to my
my website , and check them out. I warn you, the photos are pretty shitty because my father took them, and he is oblivious to technology, but I made due with what I had.