disposable cameras set to capture just enough of life to catalog the things we throw away

Apr 22, 2008 23:42

"breathing the fumes of our machines
we’ve lost our way
if we could only see us now..."

but really, what if we could see us now? did this world stop living hundreds of years ago? is passion still what it was 300 years ago? i can't help but think there was universal beauty back then. was everyone so split apart by there music when all they had was bach and gregorian chants? where they so split in their cliques? their hobbies?

are we doomed to continuously split each other apart by differences in tastes? like subatomic particles, split until everyone is their own company? is it something more than differences in tastes?

imagine a world outside of your mindset. isn't that what freedom is? aren't we all kind of caged in within our own metal functions? is a redneck from alabama ever going to understand the world the way that illegal immigrant from mexico does? no. he's a slave to his own paradigm.

how did we all get this way? how did society get shaped the way it did? it wasn't planned. it was developed. an evolution of sorts. and we'll keep up the same bullshit from generation to generation due to one curse. what i've now figured to be the absolute hands down bane of existance. tradition.

human traditions time and time again prevent progression in society, in science, in mindsets. we still have the same religious traditions that we've had since we thought stars were holes in the heavens. since we thought the sun and the moon had a daily struggle for power. since we thought the earth was flat. we refuted all of this but for some reason people still have a modernized idea of a intelligent creator creating us and ruling our moves, watching them, while performing magic acts in his spare time and condeming us to hell or heaven when we die, all apart of some sick game he coined up?

we still believe in this intelligent creator with no evidence, only tradition? only a book from 8,000 years ago? we needed god when we were forming intelligent thought, asking questions about how we got here and helping forming moral necessity. But how has tradition made it go on this long? it's almost like the whole world is winking when we mention god but no one wants to stand up and say the concept makes no sense. i get this feeling after learning everything we learn in biology class in high school that everyone knows it's not true yet when being polled, 95% of americans feel they need to believe in him to not be considered crazy. because its the world tradition (there's that word again) to believe in the existance of a higher power.

tradition. traditions still keep boundaries between our races, nationalities, and sexes. tradition keeps us caged in a world we were born into. tradition is the anti-progressive entity that will continue to hold back man kind until our inevitable extinction.

humans are by nature intelligent entities. but in the end, we're all animals as much as anything in this planet. we are unable to transcend beyond ourselves and look at the big picture because we don't know how else to live.

we've lost our way, we seem to forget the human race can't stop for directions. we don't know what we're doing, because none of us have done this before. none of us have existed before, (as far as i know anyway) people don't realize that everything is temporary and history could change in an instant.

if we could see us now, would we have accomplished everything we have? has all the knowledge we inherited from people who defied the laws and the traditions of the time gone for a good purpose?

if we could only see us now...
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