Crazy few days

May 03, 2006 09:06

The last couple days have been pretty crazy. Saturday was really fun tho. I worked until around 8:30 and went to a house party around 10. I first got there and there was only 4 people there, but then more people came and we partied in an empty apartment downtown barrie. (I feel so hickish saying that now since everyone on livejournal is in halifax or Ottawa). Then we went to the gay bar and I ran into my old friend lindsay. She seemed like she was doign really well. I miss her. She told me how my ex was doing as well, seems he just keeps going downhill as we speak with no direction in life. Anyways sunday I worked a 12 hour day which sucked. I started at 10 and I was pretty hung over considering I didn't get back until 330am. Monday I worked from 1230 till 1130 I believe. I told my dispatcher debbie that I wanted tuesday off cause of my working crazy hours. So I hung out with my good friend Jade yesterday. We got our hair done (really short and blond but looks alright, needs to grow more). And she went to buy a guitar. I want one but I have to wait to get it seeing how I should buy a bike first. Then we had a drink on her patio and I went for a bike ride later on while she was at work. First ride of the season! yay!
Today I worked 445am-845am and I go back in for 1 until around 9. These days are crazy. I want a new job, but I'm making pretty good money. I'm managing to stay relatively out of my overdraft and I put 95% of my income tax to my credit card so I'm happy about that. I'm getting there. I'm managing to save money...yay! But I have no time for anything else so I'm's fucking summer for christ sake...

The main reason I wrote this is cause I'm worried about my mom. She aplied to York to go to school in september to do her masters and she got rejected. So she decided to get drunk and after my crazy ass day on monday I had to take care of her. She passed out on the bathroom floor and after crawling to bed she hasn't gotten out of bed yet. She said some pretty weird things that night so I feel pretty helpless right now. Thrre isn't must I can do right? She has to do it all herself...she's just so unmotivated and always eating, always sleeping, always in bed...I just feel frustrated that I can't do anything and she's missing work because of this.

Anyways that's my entry, long one but good nonetheless!
Missin ya peeps!
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