Aug 26, 2005 23:20
ohhhh my goodness i hate it when i have to get my ends trimmed because they always cut my hair so frickin short and i specifically told the lady this time PLEASE cut off as little as possible beacuse i dont want my hair to be much shorter but NAW they cant neva get it straight so now yeah my hair is shorter its not even down my back anymore like it used to its like to my collar bone now man my hair used to be sooo long but little by little it gets shorter and shorter cuz of those STUPID HAIR DRESSERS ughhhh but at least i know itll grow back and my hair is still a good length so wateva
i went to the varsity game 2nite against waterford mott.... my cousins dad was there he was like " heyyyyy BMW" real loud LOL it was soo funny. the game was okay we won i saw all the ppl i missed (or didnt miss) over the summer.. i saw some females that i'd rather had not seen cuz they annoy me lol and i saw a lot of my boy friends not boyfriends- MALE friends yeah i def. missed those crackheads lol school starts this tuesday! but alot of those freshman football players looked so grown and they were cute too but ts like dang - theyre freshman LOL well its gettin late and im sleepy so leave me a comment if u read this ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
~comment niggas ~
BrIttNeY MiChEllE WeBsTeR AKA bRiTT/ bmw