Aug 12, 2005 07:08
Just got outta the shower after fitness boot camp. Thought I would just take a sec to update since I know I haven't in a while.
Been busy as usual. But tonight is my final (yeah on a Friday nite of all things) so thankfully things should slow down a lil bit for the next few weeks. Im beyond ready for this class to be over. I swear I still can't understand half of what the teacher says!
I'm really beginning to feel like I'm single again. I never ever see John. Sure we talk for maybe 5 mins a night, but that's it as he calls when he's going to work at the Hub and I'm already in bed. He told me the other nite that he was going to try to take one class this fall. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy that he has decided to have the initiative to go back. I think education is important. But at the same time, if he only works and sleeps now how can he have time for class and homework? 2 jobs is plenty on his shoulders. He knows I hate it, but seriously I don't know how much longer I can take this. It makes me feel alone, and very insecure. And I know he's busy, as am I, but I also feel like if he really wanted to see me, he would somehow make some time. *argh* It's just depressing.
I have more I wanna say, but this quickie update is a lil long, and I need to get to work as I'm taking the afternoon off to study for my final.
Have a beautiful, wonderful, and cheery Friday!